Books - Art and HistoryOFF TO EXPLOIT THE ANTIPODESIn November 2021 Elizabeth Barsham exhibited eight paintings in an exhibition entitled Understory at Nolan Art Gallery, 1st floor, Salamanca Arts Centre, in Salamanca Place, Hobart. Together they tell the story of the colonisation of Tasmania in the nineteenth century. They are big, colourful and humorous but the serious intent is not lost. In this booklet you will find reproductions of all eight paintings accompanied by a thoughtful, poetic essay by Tasmanian Aboriginal artist Jen Wagner. Perfect stocking-filler for this Christmas! THE CARAVAN MOVES ONThirty years ago Tasmania's mistress of the strange held her first solo exhibition. To celebrate, she has produced a book of paintings spanning her entire career to date.
BEFORE THEY BUILT THE BRIDGEA light-hearted look at the history of Lindisfarne. Not the famous island, but a suburb of Hobart, Tasmania. JONES FAMILIES OF JERICHONotes on various Jones families living in the Jericho and Lower Marshes areas in Tasmania in the early nineteenth century.
disambiguationDespite rumours to the contrary, there are not two of me. I began my career as E.M. Christensen, but later changed my surname to Barsham. In general life and when I am teaching I am Elizabeth Barsham. I write as E.M. Christensen. My paintings have been signed "Barsham" since 2006. Elizabeth Barsham's blogsTASMANIAN GOTHIC BLOG DIGGING AROUND IN HISTORY THE TRAVEL DIARIES OF EDWARD WALLACE All content on this website © E.M. Christensen contact the artist: barsham@tasmanian-gothic.com |